The Grow SF Report, Vol. 15
What You Need To Know
The latest updates on SF government progress, policies, and priorities:
Battle Rages Over Fate of Great Highway
The SF County Transportation Authority approved a 47-page report studying the future of the Great Highway and whether to open it back up to cars. Supervisors are split on the issue, with Supervisors Chan and Mar favoring hybrid proposals, and Safaí and Preston supporting a fully car-free option (aka “the Great Walkway”).
SF Considers Waiving Fees for New Businesses
On Tuesday, Supervisor Ronen proposed a program to help restaurants and retailers get back on their feet as we recover from the pandemic. The First Year Free program would waive business registration, permit application, and licensing fees, among others for new establishments as the city recovers from the pandemic.
Another Asian Hate Attack
A 94-year-old Asian woman (and widow of a U.S. veteran) was stabbed repeatedly on a sidewalk near her home in Lower Nob Hill. After so many hateful attacks, we risk becoming numb to the news. Bookmark this continually updated list of victims and revisit it often to stay outraged and hold officials accountable for public safety.
Update: SF COVID-19 Vaccinations
San Francisco has become the first major city in the United States to reach “herd immunity”. Great job everyone!
Vaccination Rate: 81% of SF residents over 12 have received at least 1 dose. 72% have been fully vaccinated.
Eligibility: All SF residents 12 and older are now eligible to be vaccinated!
Vaccine Sites: Find a vaccine site near you.
If you haven’t gotten vaccinated yet, here’s a great incentive! Starting tomorrow, you will be entered into a lottery for SF Giants tickets when you get your shot at any of our neighborhood vaccination sites.

Your Action Plan
Now that you know what’s happening, help us shape what happens next:
Last Chance to Comment on Police Budget
Did you know City Hall commissioned an independent study on police staffing last year? It said a city our size should have at least 200 more police officers than we currently have. Meanwhile, hundreds of police officers are nearing retirement. The Examiner reported that SFPD needs to hire 100 new officers next year just to stay even.
Friday is your last chance to voice your opinion about police staffing in the city.
Send your email anytime before Friday, June 25.
Email address:
Call (415) 655-0001 anytime from 10 am until late afternoon on Friday, June 25.
Access code: 146 586 5393 ##
Help Us Save Outdoor Dining
The discussion around outdoor dining has been delayed by a few weeks, but we need to keep letting our Supervisors know that this needs to be permanent! Here are two things you can do right now to help us outdoor dining permanent:
Visit our website for instructions on how to email your Supervisor
We’ll keep you informed on updates and other ways to help get this across the finish line!
Decreasing the Distance Summer Kickoff
Decreasing the Distance is a group that’s been working hard to get schools opened and kids back in the classroom. Join them this Sunday for this fun event in Duboce Park.
Subscribe to Grow SF Town Halls
Grow SF regularly hosts conversations with folks around San Francisco and in local government to learn about what they do, how our local government operates, and what we can do to get involved.
We host conversations live on Twitter Spaces. To hear about upcoming events follow @growsf on Twitter.
Can’t make it live? We post recordings of every session to the Grow SF Town Hall Podcast. Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts!
Check out our most recent Town Halls here:
Fun in SF
Check out some of our favorite fun activities happening in SF right now:
Chinatown Rising
When: Friday, June 25 @ 7 PM
Where: Cameron House (Register here.)
Grow SF is co-hosting a showing of Chinatown Rising, with David Chiu! We’ll be meeting (in person!) for an exciting itinerary:
Meet and greet + interview with David Chiu
Movie showing of the documentary film Chinatown Rising
Q&A with the directors of the film
The event will be next Friday, June 25 @ 7 PM at Cameron House. Please register here.
Stern Grove Festival in Full Swing!
The Stern Grove Festival kicked off last Sunday. The event itself is free, but advanced tickets are required. Can’t make it in person? Register here to view the live streams on Sundays.
MOAR Books!
Mayor Breed announced that more branches and services from our outstanding SF Public Library are reopening. Click here for more info.

Topical Tweets
Yes, there is good stuff on Twitter. Here’s some of it:
Someone get this gentleman a beer!